The Friday Five: Gather Together.

Ah, the relief of Friday. Here's what's made this (very busy!) week meaningful for me... How about you?

1. Sean and I went to the memorial service of a friend's father, and though we'd never met him, I felt like we did after the hour spent singing, praying, and hearing stories about him. It was a service that seemed to truly honor who he was in such a deep and authentic way. May it be so for us all!

2. Later that day, we went to a baby shower BBQ for my friend and colleague, and her husband. It was the perfect Atlanta early summer evening, complete with a soaking thunderstorm and a wrap-around porch (plus all of the cookies, carrot cake, and homemade ice cream you could want). A lovely evening to celebrate the baby boy on his way!

3. We had cousins in from out of town, and so a bunch of extended family got together for Sunday lunch to catch up. I especially love seeing how much my younger cousins have grown, and hearing everything that they're up to, in school and out of it (and trying not to remember the days they were born... although actually, watching them become themselves is pretty amazing!). 

4. Had a great first meeting with a client that I'm going to assist and coach through the memoir-writing process. I'm really looking forward to the experience!

5. A dear friend who moved to Texas last summer is back in town this week, and we got to reconnect with another friend over pasta at one of our favorite spots -- three wild mushroom raviolis/cream sauce + caesar salads, stat! It was wonderful to all be together again, and felt like no time had passed since I last saw her nearly a year ago. (We even take similar -- sideways? -- selfies...)

Honorable Mentions:

- My friend and designer Grace featured my new logo on her blog -- check it out here!

- A feature story I wrote for work was published this week on Mr. Hurl Taylor, who will graduate with the Candler class of 2016 next Monday. It was such a joy to interview Hurl back in March, and to get to share his story with the Emory community. At 77, Hurl will be the oldest Emory graduate this year--such an inspiration!

- Game of Thrones 6.2 was a big win in my book. (Wonder what it will be in GRRM's actual book...) Thoughts? Opinions? Sunday at 9 can't come soon enough!