The Friday Five: Stories, Old and New.
And with that... April is on its way out the door! Here are some of my favorite moments from the past week.
1. I got to have dinner with my parents and brother last Saturday night, and it's always special for the four of us to spend time on our own. Plus, since my brother's getting married in less than two months (!), there are a lot of exciting plans to talk through.
2. I've never been big into podcasts (I know, I know, I'm missing out), but this week on the bus I started listening to the Nerdette podcast recapping Game of Thrones with Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me's Peter Sagal and Josh Malina's West Wing Weekly podcast and am really enjoying both. Any other podcasts I should be listening to, of any sort? I know I started with TV show recaps, but am open to lots more variety for my bus rides!
3. On Tuesday night, I got to spend a lovely evening with my grandmother. In fact, I decided to interview her about meeting my grandfather. We sat on her condo balcony and I hit "record" on my iPhone, and listened to stories that I don't know if I'd ever heard before for more than an hour. It meant so much to spend that time with her and listen to her reflections on things that happened when she was my age or younger. And I'm really glad that I have her words and her voice and these stories saved.
4. At work this week, we said goodbye to one coworker and had a baby shower for another. Both were chances to honor wonderful women and get to spend time with the fun and caring people that I work with. (And there were delicious cakes at both. You're the best, Publix.)
5. It's magazine season at my office, and I'm working on one feature story that has taken awhile to get right. It started with a shitty first draft (as they all do), but as the week progressed, I can start to see the makings of a good story that actually makes sense. A good reminder that if you keep putting words down on the page (or in the document), you're going to get somewhere better than you are now.