The Friday Five: Good Tired

No April Foolin', I'm sure glad it's Friday. Here are some moments and memories that have been saving my life. What about you, friend?

1. Generous parents. Last Saturday felt like a true spring cleaning day, with major help from my folks in the yard work department (I forgot how much I enjoy pulling weeds... majorly therapeutic). Thanks, Mom and Dad! To repay them, I made chicken pot pie and Mom brought berries and whipped cream for dessert and we all sat around our dining room table with tired limbs and full stomachs. The best kind of tired: Good tired.

2. Easter Sunday. I've already written about this, but just to repeat, it was wonderful, as it always is. Some friends then hosted a delicious potluck brunch. Good tired.

3. Spring walks. We're walking in the evenings again! Our street is full of blooming yards and sleek sunlight, and it's such a lovely ending to the day. Good tired.

4. Women's small group. I love my ladies (and our resident baby), our laughter, vulnerability, affirmation, and encouragement. A much-needed hour of my week.

5. Remembering Matt. My high school friend Matt passed away this week after three years of battling cancer. I hadn't seen him in about ten years - basically since we graduated - but I have many happy memories of his humor and kindness. Matt was voted our "class clown," but he was far more than that. His wit ran deep, his smarts were evident, and he was easygoing and friendly to all. I've spent the week digging up memories and photos and reconnecting with several other high school friends. It's made me really sad and simultaneously very thankful that I knew Matt, and that my high school experience was a good one because of people like him. Thanks, old friend. I'll never forget you.

Honorable mentions: My awesome coworkers, delish Sean dinners, a new Headspace meditation pack on anxiety, our soft red fleece blanket, rain, yellow daisies on the porch, and this moment right now: Friday night, Parks, and homemade pizza, after quite a long day at work.

Good tired.